Jumat, 16 November 2012

Nama Bayi Kristian dan Maknanya (Laki-laki dan Perempuan)

Nama Bayi Kristian dan Maknanya (Laki-laki dan Perempuan). Kelahiran seorang bayi selalu menjadi moment sukacita yang tak terlukiskan dalam setiap keluarga Kristiani. Biasanya menjelang kelahiran bayi, para calon orang tua telah sibuk mencari nama “Kristiani” atau nama “Alkitabiah” yang dianggapnya terbaik, terindah untuk sang calon bayi. Salah satu rujukan dalam pencarian nama tersebut biasanya adalah Alkitab.

Memang Alkitab dipenuhi dengan banyak tokoh yang luar biasa dipakai Tuhan dalam kehidupannya. Para orang tua biasanya berharap bahwa anaknya akan mempunyai jiwa atau semangat yang sama dengan yang dimiliki tokoh Alkitab yang namanya dipakai untuk nama bayi mereka. Sebab itu, tidak heran apabila dalam kebanyakan nama bayi-bayi Kristiani, nama pertama mereka biasanya bersumber dari nama tokoh tertentu dalam Alkitab.

Demikian juga dalam peristiwa “kelahiran baru” seseorang yang ditandai dengan baptisan air. Pada gereja-gereja tertentu, mereka memberikan “nama baptis” bagi jemaat yang dibaptis. Pada umumnya, nama baptis tersebut diambil dari nama tokoh tertentu di Alkitab. Apakah tujuan pemberian nama baptis tersebut? Tujuannya adalah agar jemaat tersebut kehidupannya dapat menjadi seperti tokoh tersebut, yaitu mempunyai kehidupan yang baik, kudus dan mempermuliakan nama TUHAN. Penggunaan nama Kristiani atau nama Alkitabiah telah menjadi tradisi yang panjang dalam sejarah gereja di dunia.

Darimanakah kebiasaan memberikan “nama Kristiani” tersebut berasal?

Nampaknya ada satu contoh teladan di Alkitab berkaitan dengan hal itu. Yaitu, suatu peristiwa ketika Allah memberikan nama “baru” bagi Yakub, yaitu “Israel”. Nama “Israel” itu sendiri berasal dari akar kata Ibrani “lisrot = wrestle” dan “El = God”.

Firman Tuhan mengisahkan:

Kejadian 32:28
“Lalu kata orang itu: “Namamu tidak akan disebutkan lagi Yakub, tetapi Israel, sebab engkau telah bergumul melawan Allah dan manusia, dan engkau menang“

Nama “Yakub” berasal dari kata Ibrani “Akev” yang artinya adalah “heel” atau ‘pemegang tumit’. Artinya bila Yakub ingin memiliki sesuatu dia harus memegang tumit orang lain terlebih dahulu, atau menipu dulu baru dia bisa memiliki sesuatu yang diinginkan seperti yang pernah dia lakukan terhadap Esau.

Oleh sebab itu namanya berubah menjadi Israel artinya ‘Allah menang, Pangeran Allah’. Dan untuk mendapatkan nama Israel ini tidaklah mudah sebab ia terlebih dahulu harus bergumul dengan Malaikat hingga fajar pagi di Pniel. Tentunya perubahan nama ini bukan hanya sekedar iseng saja. Berubahnya Yakub menjadi Israel sebenarnya memiliki tujuan ilahi di dalamnya. Sebab pada akhirnya nama Israel ini dijadikan nama satu bangsa pilihan oleh Allah. Dan memang akhirnya Israel mendapatkan berkat-berkatnya dari Allah sesuai dengan janji-Nya.

Dalam masyarakat tertentu, ada pandangan bahwa nama mempunyai “kuasa” tertentu. Sebagai contoh:

Sebut saja ada seorang anak yang sejak lahirnya diberi nama Tony. Ketika ia mulai menginjak remaja, anak tersebut sakit-sakitan bahkan hampir mati. Berapa banyak biaya yang harus dikeluarkan kedua orang tuanya agar anak tersebut bisa sembuh. Dan suatu saat ketika kondisi anak tersebut berangsur-angsur mulai membaik. Akhirnya kedua orang tuanya mengganti nama anak tersebut yaitu Santoso, dengan harapan anak tersebut sehat senantiasa. Dan setelah dewasa anak tersebut menambah namanya dengan nama “Petrus”, sehingga namanya menjadi Petrus Santoso, dengan tujuan ia akan menjadi orang yang kuat bagaikan batu karang dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup.

Sebagai kesimpulan, nampaknya nama seseorang mewakili kepribadian seseorang. Meskipun memang tidak selalu demikian pada kenyataannya. Sebab bisa saja seseorang bernama “Paulus”, namun dia ternyata seorang koruptor.

Nama yang bersumber dari Alkitab dan maknanya (kumpulan nama bayi Kristen/ nama Alkitab)
Makna: sumber sukacita

Makna: the father of a multitude (bapa dari banyak orang/bangsa)

Makna: Manusia

Makna:burden (beban)
(nama seorang nabi yang menulis kitab Amos)

Manliness (kejantanan)

Makna: Defender of men or brave (pejuang pembela atau pemberani)
Markus 15:21; KPR 4:6

Berasal dari kata Yunani “Angelos”.
Makna: Messenger of God (utusan Allah)

Makna: yang ditolong Tuhan

Bathsheba / Batsyeba
Makna: daughter of the oath (anak sumpah/perjanjian)

Makna: son of my right hand

Makna: strength (kekuatan)

Makna: dog (anjing)

Makna: Greenery (tumbuhan hijau)
Chloe was a Christian woman of Corinth who informed Paul of the disputes within the local church (1 Corinthians 1:11).

Makna: Ice, rock (es, batu)

Makna: a heifer (sapi muda)
She was an Athenian woman who was converted to Christianity by Paul the apostle: “However, some men joined him and believed, among them Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them.” (Acts 17:34)

Makna: God is my judge (Allah adalah hakimku)

Makna: he who upholds the good (dia yang menegakkan kebaikan)
He was a governor of Persia during Daniels ministry.

Makna: Hero (pahlawan)

Makna: bee (lebah/tawon)
Before there were kings there were judges which she was. She was also known as a prophetess who helped Barak defeat the Canaanites.

Makna: God has helped (Allah telah menolong)

Makna: uplifted (ditinggikan)
He was Israel first high priest after they had crossed the river Jordan.

Makna: help of God (pertolongan dari Allah)

Elijah / Elia
Makna: my Lord is Jehovah (Yehova adalah Tuhanku)

Makna: God is salvation (Allah adalah keselamatan/penyelamat)

Makna: Sumpah/janji Allah

Makna: mengabdi

Makna: hairy (berbulu)

Makna: star (bintang)

Makna: life (kehidupan)

Makna: the strength of God (kekuatan Allah)

Makna: help (pertolongan)

Makna: Prosperous (makmur)
He was a high ranking Roman official that had been appointed to office by the emperor Claudius. Felix was an evil and cruel ruler. He was the one who placed the apostle Paul in prison for two years.

Makna: Joyful (bersukacita/bergembira)
He was known as “Porcius Festus” and he was the one who succeeded Felix, when it came to ruling over the province of Judea. Festus was immediately placed in the middle of the conflict between Paul and the Sanhedrin. After Festus had reviewed the case against Paul, he decided that this was more of a religious matter, than it was a political one, and so therefore, sent the apostle to be tried before the Sanhedrin instead of the Roman tribunal.

Makna: Warrior of God (Ksatria Allah)
This was the name of an angel that was sent down to explain Daniel’s vision of the ram and the he- goat. This angel also told Daniel about the meaning of the “seventy weeks period.” This same angel; also did the birth announcements of John the Baptist and the Messiah — Jesus Christ.

Makna: Hewer or lumberjack (penebang pohon)
He was one of the twelve Judges who looked over Israel. He was also commissioned by God to defeat the Midianites. Perhaps one of the most memorable events in the Bible is where he defeated 135,000 Midiante troops with just 300 men with the help from the Lord.

Makna: Grace (anugerah)

Makna: God sees (Allah melihat)
He was anointed king over Aram (Syria) by the prophet Elijah. Because of their sins, God would allow the Syrian king to be the oppressor over Israel for quite some time.

Makna: Strength of God (Kekuatan Allah)
He was the son of Ahaz king of Judah, who became a king himself. He was perhaps the second most successful king (southern) Judah ever had, Josiah was by far the most successful.

Makna: Salvation (keselamatan)
He was a prophet that God used in Israel, around 770-725 B.C. He is also the author of the book “Hosea.”

Immanuel or Emmanuel
Makna: God with us (Allah beserta kita)
Is the name of our precious Saviour Jesus Christ. He came down as an living example on how we should live our lives within His awesome creation. He took on the burden of our sins and paid the price for our redemption. He rose on the third day after his death and came back in his new resurrected body proving to us that there is spiritual life after physical death. He is the true promised Messiah and the only way to our eternal salvation.

Makna: Laughter (tertawa)
He was the first born unto Abraham who was offered up as a brunt sacrifice unto God. This was because God decided to test Abraham faith, by asking him to sacrifice his one and only son that he had with Sarah, who up to that point could not bear children.

Makna: God’s Salvation (Keselamatan dari Allah)
He was a prophet of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. His ministry was during the reigns of kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He was eventually executed by king Manasseh, by being sawed in half. Isaiah was a great prophet and the author of the Book of Isaiah, Life of Uzziah, and the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah.

Makna: God hears (Allah mendengar)
He was the oldest son of Abraham and Hagar. He would later be thrown out with his mother because of the conflict they were having with Sarah and Isaac. He would later become the founder of the Arabian tribes.

Makna: Prince of God (Pangeran Allah)

Makna: Deceiver / heel catcher (penipu/penangkap tumit)

Makna: he enlarges/expansion (perluasan/pengembangan)

Makna: God has judged (Allah telah mengadili)

Makna: to be set free (dibebaskan)
He was the son of Gilead and a mighty warrior. However, his mother was a prostitute so therefore he was illegitimate. His half-brothers would drive him away from his homeland because of it when he got older. He would make a great reputation for himself while he settled in the land of Tob. He would later become a Judge over Israel in which he led them for six years.

Makna: whom the Lord has appointed (yang dipilih Tuhan)
He was a prophet would ministry would last for over forty years. He would gain the reputation of being called the, ‘weeping prophet,’ and he was the author of the Biblical books – Jeremiah & Lamentations.

Makna: I Possess (saya memiliki)
He was the father of eight sons with one of them being David. The Lord would instruct the prophet Samuel to go to Bethlehem and anoint the next king of Israel. His journey would lead him to the house of Jesse.

Makna: Jehovah is a gracious giver (TUHAN adalah pemberi yang murah hati)

Makna: Dove (burung merpati)
Jonah was one of the prophets of Israel. He was thrown from a ship into the sea and swallowed by a shark. He prayed in its belly for three days and nights and was regurgitated unharmed. He authored the book of Jonah.

Makna: Jehovah is salvation (TUHAN juru selamat)

Makna: Jehovah has added (Yehova/TUHAN telah menambahkan)

Makna: praise (pujian)

Makna: Soft-haired (berambut lembut)
Roma 16:15

Makna: Weary, tired (lelah/letih/bosan).
daughter of Laban, first wife of Jacob, and mother of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah

Makna: joined (bergabung)

Makna: Bringer of light, morning (pembawa terang, pagi)

Makna: forgetting (lupa)

Makna: a defense (pembelaan)
An evangelist, the author of the Gospel of Mark. Marcus was his Latin surname, his Jewish name was John. He was a cousin of Barnabas and a companion of Paul in some of his missionary journeys.

Makna: Mistress (nyonya rumah)

Makna: Rebellion, overthrow (pemberontakan, menggulingkan)
Many women bear the name Mary in the Bible. Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ, who was conceived within her by the Holy Spirit when she was a virgin. She was married to the carpenter Joseph. Mary of Bethany was the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Mary Magdalene and Mary the wife of Cleopas were two of the women who supported the ministry of Jesus Christ both spiritually and materially. Mary the mother of John Mark was one of the earliest disciples of Jesus.

Makna: gift of Jehovah (hadiah dari TUHAN)
Son of Alphaeus, one of the 12 disciples

Makna: Who is like the Lord (siapakah yang seperti TUHAN)
He was a prophet during the days of, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He came from the town of Moresheth Gath, and was the only prophet who had foretold the birthplace of the true Messiah — (Jesus Christ)

Makna: Who is like God (siapakah yang seperti Allah)
She was the youngest daughter of the first king of Israel, Saul. He would hand her over to David after had had killed the Philistine giant, Goliath. She would become David’s first wife.

Makna: drawing out (of a water), ditarik keluar dari air.
Nabi besar dalam sejarah Israel dan beberapa agama

Makna: wrestling (bergulat)
Was one of the tribal founders to the twelve tribes of Israel. He was the son of Jacob and Bilhah (Rachel’s handmaiden). He would be Bilhah’s second and Jacob’s sixth.

Makna: Given by God (diberikan oleh Allah)

Makna: servant of Jehovah (Pelayan TUHAN)
The 4th of the 12 minor prophets; nothing personal is known of him but it is probable that he was contemporary with Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. The prophetic book by him; prophesies against Edom.

Makna: The olive tree (pohon zaitun)

Makna: small or little (kecil)

Makna: a sheep (domba)
Was the youngest daughter to Laban and a shepherdess. Her father used her to trick the patriarch Jacob into working an additional seven years for the rights to marry her. She was the mother to two of the founders that made up the twelve tribes of Israel (Joseph – Benjamin).

Makna: see, a son (melihat, anak laki-laki)

Makna: Captivating, beautiful (yang menawan, cantik)

Makna: Friend (sahabat)
Ruth was the wife of Mahlon and the daughter-in-law of Naomi. After her husband’s death she married Boaz and gave birth to Obed, the grandfather of King David. Her story is told in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament.

Makna: God heard (Allah mendengar)
Hannah had asked him of Jehovah, she gave him the name, “the God-heard,” as a memorial of the hearing of her prayer.

Makna: princess of a multitude (Putri orang banyak)
She was once called Sarai. She also became the wife to the patriarch Abraham. She was the mother of Ishmael (patriarch to the Arabian nation) and Isaac (patriarch to the Israel nation).

Makna: loaned (meminjamkan)
He was the son of the Benjamite Kish, who would become Israel’s first king during the days of Samuel the prophet. He was tall, handsome and was without equal. God would instruct the prophet to anoint him king over his people, for He had heard their cry.

Makna: Wood, from the forest (kayu dari hutan)

Makna: one who hears (orang yang mendengar)
Was one of the tribal founders to the twelve tribes of Israel. He was the second oldest son to Jacob and Leah. He avenges the rape of his sister Dinah along with his brother Levi by attacking the predators which were called the Shechemites.

Makna: Three (tiga)
Trinity is a word used by Christians to express the doctrine of the unity of God as consisting of three distinct Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The word trinity is not found in the Bible, and was first used in this context by Theophilus.

Makna: exalted (mulia/agung)

Makna: Bird (burung)
daughter of Reuel or Jethro, wife of Moses, and mother of Gershom and Eliezer.

Sumber : http://psbobby.wordpress.com

Demikian Daftar Nama Bayi Kristian dan Maknanya (Laki-laki dan Perempuan) yang bisa saya bagi untuk temen-temen Kristiani, Semoga Bermanfaat. Tuhan Yesus Memberkati.

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