Minggu, 15 September 2013

Download Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap dan Gratis

Download Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap dan Gratis

The Use of Wall Chart in English Teaching



This chapter orderly presents background of the study, statement of the

problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of

the study, definition of key terms, and systematical discussion.

A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, mastering other languages, especially International

languages, is very important since language is a means of communication

among individuals.Firstly, the process of globalization and

modernization will actually bring people to live together in a global life in

the world. The need of interaction with people in a global society who

have different backgrounds, languages, and cultures cannot be avoided.

Thus, an international language functions as the main means used by

people to interact with each other and build a relationship in their

environment, including English. It is worthwhile to learn and to use it as a

device to live together.

Moreover, English, one of the international languages, is used by

most of the countries over the world.2 It is used in many aspects of life

such as science, technology, business, commerce, politics, education,

etc. Crystal also states that English is used as a medium of transferring

knowledge in line with the development of science and technology.3 In

addition, mastering English becomes the important requirement in

business, which has to be fulfilled in order to get a job. Therefore, the

department of national education has considered that English is taught

not only in junior and senior level but also in elementary level, as a

local content teaching. It gives the elementary students an opportunity

to get and develop their English ability. Therefore, they can anticipate

the environmental condition, which has been influenced by the

development of science, technology, culture, and art.

Based on the Curriculum Based Competence, the purpose of

learning English is to improve the students’ com munication ability in

spoken and written form (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).

Students are expected to be able to communicate and express in

English to the certain literacy level. Wells states that the literacy level

consists of performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. In the performative level, students are symbol to master reading, writing,

listening, and speaking skill. In functional level, students use language

to fulfill the daily life, for example reading the newspaper, manual, or

direction. In the informational level, students are able to access the

knowledge and language skill, and in the epistemic level, students are

able to express knowledge. 4

The students have to be able to communicate and express in

English to the certain literacy. The functional level is the target

language of junior high school. Therefore, they will be able to

communicate written and oral to solve the problem. Students are

expected to be able to understand the material that is given by the

teacher. In fact, most students have less attention and motivation.

Therefore, it becomes the challenge for teachers to attract them.

The fact shows that teaching English is not easy. Teaching

English becomes very difficult because the students of junior high

school are teenagers. They have less motivation in learning. Puchta

and Schartz stated that, teenagers are often much less motivated to

learn.5 After all the goals and ends, seem much more distant.

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